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Few Topics are:
- Class Modeling and Design , Use Case Diagram,Cohesion, Coupling, class Generalization, class specialization versus aggregation
- Behavioral (Dynamic structural view):State diagram:State Diagram Notations, events (signal events, change events,Time events). State Diagram states, transition and condition, state diagram behavior, completion transition,sending signals
- Interaction diagrams: Sequence diagram - Sequence diagram notations and iterations
- Collaboration diagram - Collaboration diagram notations and examples, iterations, object creation and destruction, time constraints, origin of links
- Architectural view: Logical architecture: dependency, class visibility, sub systems ,deployment diagram notations, nodes
- Component diagram notations , Architectural pattern and Design pattern.
- Object Class, Use case diagram, actors
- Activity diagram, Transition ,Classes
- Relationships among classes: Associations, Dependencies,Inheritance - Generalizations, Aggregation
- Dependency relationships among classes, notations, Object diagram notations and modeling.
Complex topics :
- Object Oriented analysis & design ,UML Method , UML Language ,Requirements Analysis Using Case Modeling
- Transfer from Analysis to Design in the Characterization Stage: Interaction Diagrams
- The Logical View Design Stage: The Static Structure Diagrams ,Package Diagram Model
- Dynamic Model: State Diagram / Activity Diagram , Component Diagram Model ,Deployment Model.
- notation, methods, competing methodologies, Issues in Analysis and Design
- Notation and associated Methodologies , UML metamodel
- structural and behavioral diagrams, and their extensions ,Forward engineering using UML
- Structural Diagrams ,Behavioral Diagrams ,Design Patterns ,UML Metamodel
- UML Profile, Object Constraint Language, Service-Oriented Architecture